Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pour life, not death

I received an email from a musician who experienced a breakthrough while playing on stage. It so encouraged me because God showed me how powerful my words are. I want to build people up and not tear them down! (This is easier said than done for me). You see, Victory is Yours! There is no mountain that I can't climb with God, but it sure is easier when I have an entourage of people encouraging me along the way. So God questioned me...Rachel, who are you believing in? Who are you pouring your "life" into? (not "death")
Never give up on the people around you, because people around you didn't give up on you! We all have to face our fears. That's why I love when people around me are pushing me, even when I don't really like it at the moment...
(Here's the email)
I wanted to tell you that today was a breakthrough for me and I'm excited about it.  Not only did I get through the intro twice!, but playing in service was different today.  I worshipped on my instrument at a new level and it was great!  A few weeks ago when you talked to me about "performance anxiety" was a key.  I have had to address a lot of fear and anxiety in my life, but when you said it that day, God put His finger on something in me.  He has been working in me and so today was a triumph, not just in playing the right notes, but that I didn't have performance anxiety!!  This is what God created me to do, and He never intended for me to be afraid while doing it.  Thank you for loving me and leading me and letting me worship with you!

have a great week