The past two days this word just seems to come to my mind a lot- POWER!
When I think of POWER....I think of power rangers, my dad's big diesel truck, power chocolate bar, power tools....etc
But God really showed me something about POWER that I never really understood until now. I had heard it before, but to experience it is another thing.
It's stronger than anything else! I can't fix everything- but I can pray- which can cause things to change!
It's more powerful than you and I and my dad's diesel truck.... It can move mountains, alter our future, heal the sick, and cause the lame to walk! There is Power in Prayer! Yeah now that's POWER right there!!!
So now when I think of power , I just think of Prayer.... Cause I'm talking to the ONE who is the Most Powerful who can do anything!
p.s. One of our TFC Groups at The Family Church this semester is called "the power of a praying wife."
go to for more details..