Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What a Coincidence?

Last week I blogged about David being broken before the Lord (Psalms 51). Well, yesterday morning when I saw what scriptures I had to read for the day (YouVersion app) Psalms 51 was there again! So, I figured there was a reason why God was bringing me back to that scripture.....yeah, for me to learn!

Here are the key things that I learned from Psalms 51.

1. God will make a fresh start in you. (Psalms 51:10)...Coincidence again? NO- It's our series at TFC!
Doesn't matter what you have done today...A fresh start is ALWAYS available for anyone who wants it.

2. God is after truth from the inside out. (Psalms 51:6)
I think of "Motives"...what is your motive? It's what's on the inside that matters.

3. Going through the motions doesn't please God. (Psalms 51:16)
I think of "Christians" believe it or not! Myself included!  It's so easy to get stuck in a rut of going through the motions of even "church" that we forget how blessed we are to freely worship Him.  Continually, do a heart check on a regular basis.

4. A flawless performance is NOTHING to Him. (Psalms 51:16)
You might be shocked on this one, but I think of Musicians! It's so easy to get caught up in the music side of things and forget the Main Thing- JESUS. You can play all the right chords and sing all the right notes and God is not even present. However, you can mess up on every note and the anointing of God fall like you've never seen before. A flawless performance is NOTHING to Him..... Lord, I pray that I would choose YOU every time.

What did David learn?...or should I say What did Rachel learn?

-What is real worship?- When your pride is shattered.
-Lives that have been shattered don't escape God's notice.
-God is generous in love and gives grace to the humble.

*It's pretty amazing how much we can learn from just ONE chapter!

Was it a coincidence? I think not..... It was God speaking!

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