Tuesday, March 20, 2012


There are so many times in life when we can be so consumed by a problem or situation that is really gets the best of us.  Joyce Meyer said it this way, "your problem is not your problem; it's your attitude towards the problem." This has really been my focus lately...I'm going THROUGH this situation to learn something FROM this situation and I'm not going AROUND this situation to AVOID this situation. (Yeah it's my own confusing quote :) lol! I'd rather learn lessons from the little things in life, before they become Bigger things. I used to give the devil way tooo much credit- well it's the Devil that caused that situation to happen, instead of "Rachel- There is a lesson to be learned! Are you learning it?" I might not understand why things happen but I know this-I would rather His presence around me than my problems around me! If I want God to do amazing things in my life, my family, my church, my school, and in your life--then I have to Grow!! Because His presence is way Better than my problems!!
I'm not quitting, not giving up, and I'm EXPECTING Him to do great and mighty things in my life and YOURS! SO LET'S GROW!!