Thursday, August 2, 2012


There is this song by Hillsong United called AFTERMATH. This song has been tugging at my heart for the past month. In fact, it's on repeat in my car. I felt the need to look up what "aftermath" meant.


  [af-ter-math, ahf-]  
something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate natureconsequence: theaftermath of war; the aftermath of the flood.

You know even through the affects of an AFTERMATH, GOD IS WITH US! YOU have to KNOW that HE is with you EVERY step of the way. His love will light the way...It's a daily process, don't rush it. Allow the aftermath (results) to happen and lean on Him.


AFTERMATH by Hillsong United
[Verse 1:]
The skies lay low where You are
On the earth You rest Your feet
Yet the hands that cradle the stars
Are the hands that bled for me
[Chorus 1:]
In a moment of glorious surrender
You were broken for all the world to see
Lifted out of the ashes
I am found in the aftermath
[Verse 2:]
Freedom found in Your scars
In Your grace my life redeemed
For You chose to take the sinner's crown
As You placed Your crown on me
[Chorus 2:]
In that moment of glorious surrender
Was the moment You broke the chains in me
Lifted out of the ashes
I am found in the aftermath
And in that moment You opened up the heavens
To the broken the beggar and the thief
Lifted out of the wreckage
I find hope in the aftermath
And I know that You're with me
Yes I know that You're with me here
And I know Your love will light the way
[Chorus 3:]
Now all I have I count it all as loss
But to know You and to carry the cross
Knowing I'm found
In the light of the aftermath

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Are you Consumed by the Call?

Consume- to eat or drink especially in great quantity . to engage fully : engross
Synonyms: devour, eat (up)
Antonyms: renew, replace
Everyone has something that they are consumed with. It consumes their time, energy, and resources.
However, are you consumed by the "call?" The call- the plan and purpose that God has designed you for here on this earth. That you are so consumed by it that you are engrossed by it and you just devour, eat (up)? I never want something to replace the call that God has put on the inside of me, instead I want to be consumed by it.  I want to dream, plan, and pursue what He has for me and I won't settle for anything less...and neither will you :) I'm rooting for you!

Consumed by the Call,
Rachel Baldwin :)

Monday, April 2, 2012


2 Corinthians 10:4 (nlt)
We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds in our lives..

Stronghold- a fortress, tall gates, thick walls, old difficult discouraging challenges...

We have the Word of God, the Bible, (that's our weapon) to fight off the Strongholds in our lives.

-I want to destroy every proud obstacle that keeps me from knowing God more..( 2 Cor 10:5)

After David became king of Israel, he had to face a Stronghold and capture Jerusalem.

Nevertheless, David took the stronghold. The wall was difficult. Voices were discouraging. NEVERTHELESS he went thru in order to get the Breakthrough!

You need a NEVERTHELESS in your story!

Struggling with Pride NEVERTHELESS called to ministry.
Addicted to Drugs NEVERTHELESS great father and spiritual leader.

What's your Nevertheless?

With God's help, I can capture my "Jerusalem" and YOU can too! :)

Here's just a couple things I've been personally learning concerning this... Felt the need to share..
- Quit giving someone else the responsibility of making me happy.
-I can't love people if I don't love myself.
-If I'm critical with myself, I will be even more critical with others.
-If I demand perfection from others..I will get let down every time..NO ONE IS PERFECT- INCLUDING ME! Only JESUS IS! look to Him

Have an Awesome Week! You're a conqueror!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fixed or Growth?

Barry told me about this book he was reading about changing your mindset.  The main question in the entire book is- DO YOU HAVE A FIXED MINDSET OR A GROWTH MINDSET?
If I want to continue to grow in every area of my life, I must have a growth mindset!

What once works, might not work.
 I can change the culture.
 I can learn and change my mind on something that I always believed was right and now its WRONG!
Even if it's all up to me- I can make a difference.

I want to be comfortable...not uneasy
Why can't things stay the same?
This is how it will always be, can't do anything about it...
Been there, done that...We've tried that already.

I was thinking, whats the reason I become fixed and not growth over time? God began to show me that a lot of times, it's my PRIDE. My way is the right way, the best way, and no one else's opinion is worth listening to. I've done it this way for this long, why change? Why adopt a new way of thinking? Because you think that what your doing now is the RIGHT way! Listening to others opinions and ideas is humbling, especially when you're the one that "created the system." But the question still remains....Do you want to have a FIXED mindset or GROWTH mindset??

God help me have a GROWTH MINDSET!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


There are so many times in life when we can be so consumed by a problem or situation that is really gets the best of us.  Joyce Meyer said it this way, "your problem is not your problem; it's your attitude towards the problem." This has really been my focus lately...I'm going THROUGH this situation to learn something FROM this situation and I'm not going AROUND this situation to AVOID this situation. (Yeah it's my own confusing quote :) lol! I'd rather learn lessons from the little things in life, before they become Bigger things. I used to give the devil way tooo much credit- well it's the Devil that caused that situation to happen, instead of "Rachel- There is a lesson to be learned! Are you learning it?" I might not understand why things happen but I know this-I would rather His presence around me than my problems around me! If I want God to do amazing things in my life, my family, my church, my school, and in your life--then I have to Grow!! Because His presence is way Better than my problems!!
I'm not quitting, not giving up, and I'm EXPECTING Him to do great and mighty things in my life and YOURS! SO LET'S GROW!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


If you stop dreaming, you get complacent, and complacency NEVER changes the world. We must understand the "God Gap!"  The "God Gap" keeps us dependent on His ability to do the impossible, when we can't do ANYTHING! That's where God can step in! I want to live my life dreaming! I always want to have More vision than money.  I love being a part of a Church that DREAMS!